Michel Raymond

Principal Hydrologist

Michel has over 30 years of experience in flooding assessments and dams across aspects of planning, design upgrade, risk, real time flood operations, safety management, emergency response plans and flood mitigation. His experience in consulting roles to 2012 included many aspects of design, investigations, and construction support for water supply, flood mitigation (multi-purpose), tailings and mine water dams. Disciplines included hydrology, hydraulics, water management, risk and failure modes for dams and interfacing guidance for multi-disciplinary teams on complex dam projects. From 2012 to 2022 Michel was employed in a dam owner role providing technical leadership in real time flood operations of gated dams, forecasting, dam safety management, dam upgrades, risk prioritisation, and application of ALARP for interim risk reduction.

Michel has held Executive positions with ANCOLD since 2018, including chairman 2021-2023, and has provided a range of contributions to ANCOLD such as guideline working groups, conference convenor, and published papers.