
Urban Water

Urban water - Areas of expertise and significant projects

Urban water demand analysis, modelling and forecasting

Smart Irrigation Management for Parks and Cool Towns (SIMPaCT)

New South Wales

Water Governance in Pakistan - Access to safe water for marginalised communities


National Performance Report - Review of indicators for national urban water performance reporting


Urban hydrology and urban water systems modelling

Urban water strategy, planning and policy

Developing country support and capacity building

Water information, decision support and smart cities


Beatty, R., Razera, A. (2021).
Extreme drought planning for urban water – the devil is in the detail.
Ozwater 2021 Conference, 4 – 6 May, Adelaide, Australia.

Beatty, R. J. (2019).

Managing Urban Water Demands – The Challenges Presented by Climate Change.

Climate Adaptation Conference 2018, Melbourne, 8th-10th May 2019.

Beatty, R., & Allen, K. (2019).
Planning Urban Water System Responses to Megadrought – How looking back can help us look forward.
Ozwater 2019-Transforming Our World, Melbourne, 6-10th May, 2018

Beatty, R. (2018).
Improving understanding of water demand drivers and the implications for medium and long-term forecasting.
OzWater-Australia’s International Water Conference and Exhibition, Brisbane, 8-10th May, 2018.