
Dam Safety

HARC Specialist Services

Key Projects

Warragamba Dam Operational Risk Assessment (ORA)

New South Wales

Hydrology, dambreak and consequence for multiple structures in the Menindee Lakes Scheme

New South Wales

Framework to identify dam safety controls that are reasonable and practicable

New South Wales

McCall Say Dam risk assessment


North Pine Dam Consequence Assessment


Burdekin Falls Dam Consequence Assessment


Key Services


Raymond, M. (2022).
Beyond 100% is meaningless and unsustainable for public communications on the flood status of dams.
ANCOLD 2022 conference proceedings, Sydney, Australia.

Mannix, R., Hill, P., Banzi, S., Hameed, M. (2022).
A comprehensive operational risk assessment framework for dam systems
ANCOLD 2022 conference proceedings, Sydney, Australia.

Northfield, A., Shen, Y., Craig, T. (2022).
The impact of hydraulic model resolution on potential loss of life assessments and flood extents.
ANCOLD 2022 conference proceedings, Sydney, Australia.

Pearse, M., Foster, M., Jonker, M, Hameed, M., Banzi, S., Liu, B. (2022).
Application of the SFAIRP principle to a diverse portfolio of dams
ANCOLD 2022 conference proceedings, Sydney, Australia.

Jordan, P., Stephens, D., Pisaniello, J., Wang, QJ., Nathan, R., Cawood, M., Perera, S., Mannix, R., Matthews, J., Huang, T. (2022)

Considerations on the use of forecast rainfall for dam operations.
ANCOLD 2022 conference proceedings, Sydney, Australia.

Cawood, M., Haskins, L., Haskins, M., Stephens, D., Wright, D. (2022).
Real-time flood forecasting for Lake Burley Griffin.
2022 Floodplain Management Association National Conference, 17th – 20th May, Toowoomba, Australia.

Wang, H., Funnell, E., Shen, A., Scorah, M., Hill, P. (2021).
Lessons learnt from the application of HEC-LifeSim 2.0 to multiple dams across Australia.
2021 ANCOLD Conference, 10th-12th November, Perth, WA. Australia.

Pearse, M., Foster, M., Hill, P., Banzi, S., Liu, B., Hameed, M.  (2021).
Development of a practical SFAIRP framework for dams.
2021 ANCOLD Conference, 10th-12th November, Perth, WA.

Mannix, R., Cawood, M., Matthews, J., Perera, S. (2021).
Designing dam safety emergency exercises in an inter-related risk environment to build resilience.
2021 ANCOLD Conference, 10th-12th November, Perth, WA.

Jordan, P., O’Shea, D., Hill, P., Nathan, R., Lang, S., Hughes, M.,  Lam, D., Broit, A. (2021).
Reassessing flood hydrology for Burdekin Falls Dam.
2021 Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 31st August-1st September.

Northfield, A., Hill, P., Hameed, M., Wang, H., Banzi, S. (2020).
Estimation of consequences for WaterNSW’s diverse portfolio of Greater Sydney dams.
2020 ANCOLD Conference, November 2020.

Pearse, M., Pisaniello, J., Banzi, S., Hill, P. (2020).
Implications of NSW Dams Safety Regulation 2019 on dam safety risk management.
2020 ANCOLD Conference, November 2020.

Wang, H., Hill, P., Banzi, S., Hameed, M. (2020).
Demonstrating risk benefits of improved monitoring and surveillance.
2020 ANCOLD Conference, November 2020.

Jordan, P., Stephens, D., Woolley, J., Astorquia, A., Ahmed, Z., Druery, C., Cawood, M. (2020).
Real-time flood forecasting and dam operations for the Ross River.
2020 Floodplain Management Association Digital National Conference, 20th-21st May, Toowoomba, Australia

Lang, S., & Foster, M. (2019).
Estimating the Individual Risk From Dam Failure.
2019 ANCOLD Conference, 10th-11th October, Auckland, New Zealand, 1–6.

Wang, H. (2019).
Lessons Learnt From Evacuation Modelling for Dam Failure Consequence Assessments.
2019 ANCOLD Conference, 10th-11th October, Auckland, New Zealand, 1–9.

Hill, P., Wang, H., Lang, S., & Cawood, M. (2019).
Application of the HEC-LifeSim model to tailor and demonstrate benefits of dam emergency action plans.
International Dam Safety Conference, Odisha, India,13th-14th February, 2019.

Northfield, A., Stephens, D., Craig, T., & Smith, M. (2019).
Modelling Reservoirs with a 2D Hydraulic Model.
2019 ANCOLD Conference, 10th-11th October, Auckland, New Zealand, 1–12.

Scorah, M. (2018).
Advances in the automation of population at risk quantification for dam failure consequence assessment.
ANCOLD Conference, Melbourne,11-12th October, 2018.

Hill, P., Kavanagh, C., Lang, S., & Northfield, A. (2018).
Application of simulation models to estimate Potential Loss of Life.
26th Congress, 86th General Meeting, ICOLD, Vienna, Austria, 2018.

Scorah, M., Stephens, D., & Nathan, R. (2018).
Benchmarking the selection of probability neutral hydrologic design floods for use in 2D hydraulic models.
39th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium. Melbourne, 3rd-6th December, 2018, 749–761.

Lang, S. (2018).
Current Australian and international practices for dam failure consequence assessments.
2018 ANCOLD Conference,11-12th October, Melbourne.

Lang, S. (2018).
Dam safety risk assessment: An Australian perspective.
Dam Failure Consequence Assessment Forum, Toronto, 12-13th June,2018.

Wang, H., Northfield, A., & Hill, P. (2018).
Using HEC-LifeSim to better understand and reduce dam failure consequences for three case studies around Australia.
2019 ANCOLD Conference, 10th-11th October, Auckland, New Zealand, 417–427.

Stephens, D., & Scorah, M. (2018).
Review of the impacts of dam operations on flood hydrology.
ANCOLD Conference, Melbourne,11-12th October, 2018.

Hill, P. (2018).
Some recent advances in the application of quantitative risk assessments for dam safety – An Australian perspective.
International Dam Safety Conference,Kerala,India,2018.

Stephens, D., Lang, S., Hill, P., Scorah, M., & Foster, M. (2017).
Estimating the duration of flood overtopping for risk assessment.
ANCOLD, Conference, Ageing Dams, New Ideas, Hobart, 26th-29th October,2017.

Kavanagh, C., Lang, S., Northfield, A., & Hill, P. (2017).
Observations from five Australian applications of HEC-LifeSim to estimate potential loss of life from dam failure Life loss estimation : empirical versus simulation Case studies.
ANCOLD, Conference, Ageing Dams, New Ideas, Hobart, 26th-29th October, Hobart, 2017.

Northfield, A., & Lang, S. (2017).
Tailoring Consequence Assessments for Retarding Basins.
ANCOLD, Conference, Ageing Dams, New Ideas, Hobart, 26th-29th October,2017

Pearse, M., Hill, P., & Shepherd, D. (2017).
The design flood frequencies for my dam have changed – why ?
ANCOLD, Conference, Ageing Dams, New Ideas, 26th-29th October,Hobart,Tasmania,2017, 1–10.

Northfield, A. and Lang, S. (2017).
Estimating the consequences of retarding basin failures.
2017 Floodplain Management Australia National Conference. Newcastle, 17-19 May 2017

Kavanagh, C., Stephens, D.A., Hill, P.I. (2016).
Benchmarking 2D hydraulic models for dambreak and consequence assessments.
2016 ANCOLD Conference on Dams. Adelaide. 18-19 October 2016

Stephens, D.A., Hill, P.I. (2016).
Towards improved efficiency of dambreak modelling and consequence assessment projects.
2016 ANCOLD Conference on Dams. Adelaide. 18-19 October 2016

Needham, J., Sorensen, J., Mileti, D., Lang, S. (2016).
Warning and mobilization of populations at risk of dam failure.
2016 ANCOLD Conference on Dams. Adelaide. 18-19 October 2016

Meneses, C., Lang, S.L., Hill, P.I., Arnold, M. (2015).
Towards consistency in potential loss of life estimates: Testing the new Reclamation Consequence Estimating Methodology.
ANCOLD Conference on Dams, 5-6 November, 2015, Brisbane, Australia.