Home Forums RORB – general use Simulating a pumped pond – Fatal Error Reply To: Simulating a pumped pond – Fatal Error

Andrew Brown

Hi Benson,

I somehow got around it by using a discharge curve that looked like this:
Depth Volume Discharge
0.00 0.000 0.000
0.10 132.644 0.099
1.70 3022.531 0.100
2.00 3731.545 0.101
12.00 50000.000 0.700

Which roughly goes with a pump switching on from a float switch. Over 2 m of depth the pond has overflowed o that’s why it jumps up on the last step. That worked for the majority of my runs though I just had one fail with this discharge curve when the flows exceeded 0.4 m3/s.

1, .000, 5, Storage-discharge table (2 values x 5 lines)
0.000, 0.000,
132.640, 0.399,
3022.530, 0.400,
3731.540, 0.401,
50000.000, 0.700,

I tried playing with the discharge numbers and eventually got it to run successfully after playing around with the values slightly to the following:
1, .000, 5, Storage-discharge table (2 values x 5 lines)
0.000, 0.000,
132.640, 0.398,
3022.530, 0.400,
3731.540, 0.405,
50000.000, 1.000,

I had considered using the inflow/outflow function but with this situation the pond is a contact water pond that will pump water to a disused open mine pit. As such the attenuation within the pond is very significant when it comes to the sizing of the pump. So bypassing the storage will likely not be suitable in this case.

kind regards,
