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  • #1527
    Joyce J


    I’m new to RORB. I tried building my model in RORB and there seems to be a problem with my catchment data but I can’t seem to decipher the problem.

    Output from the data check is as follows;
    Data checks:
    Next data to be read & checked:

    Catchment name & reach type flag
    Control vector & storage data
    Code no. 13 7.0 Location read as
    Sub-area areas
    Impervious flag
    Initial storm data
    Data error: possibly character data where numerical value expected,
    or illegal number

    Where and what should I rectify in the model? Fyi, the catchment data was built from RORB’s Graphical Editor.


    Benson Liu

    Hi Joyce,

    Are you running a single event with a storm file? From the output it looks like the problem is with a storm file rather than the catchment file. There may be something wrong with the storm data in the storm file. It should be the first non-commented line after you specify what type of run it is. Table 5.2, section 7 of the RORB manual has more details about the storm file. Hopefully that solves the issue.

    Kind regards,


    Joyce J

    Hi Benson,

    Thank you for your kind reply. I re-ran the model again and still found an error in the output. Perhaps you could help me identify the problem in my storm data.

    The input in the storm file is as follows;

    Storm identification
    C File created on: 20 Nov 2019 15:01

    C time inc=6h, calcs for 24 time incs, 1 burst,
    C 1 pluvis, assume uniform pattern
    1,11,1,1,0, -99
    0,11, -99
    C rain from 1-24 time incs
    C Mentarang Pluvi
    5.5,6,6,6.5,7,7,4,3,7,2,1 -99
    C rainfall totals
    C pluvi ref numbers
    C hydrograph data
    0,11, -99,
    C start and end times
    C Inflow to Mentarang
    706,775,933,1102,1248,1375,1472,1550,1620,1668,1705, -99

    Your advise is greatly appreciated.

    Kind regards,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Joyce J.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Joyce J.
    Benson Liu

    Hi Joyce,

    I have had a look and the problems are with the spatial distribution of rainfall and the inflow hydrograph. On the line where you input the parameters for the storm (the line “1,11,1,1,0, -99”) you have specified a uniform spatial pattern. If there is a uniform spatial pattern and only 1 pluvio, then the rainfall totals and pluvio reference numbers need to be removed for RORB to run. The start and end times of the hydrograph data also need to be 0,10 not 0,11.

    I have also noticed that you are running RORB in a fit run. While you can use a fit run if you wish, in general RORB is run using a design run as this give you more control over the loss values being applied. Hopefully fixing the above solves your problem, if not can you send me an email with the relevant files? My email is benson.liu@dev7.preflight.com.au.

    Kind regards,



    If you remove the carriage return after the first comment line in the storm file, the file will run.

    Good luck.


    Hi Benson,

    Could you please help me to understand what I am missing?

    I am using storm file below:

    48 Hours, 2010 flood
    C TIME INC=2H, CALCS FOR 24 INCS, 1 burst, 1 pluvis, r/f uniform
    Mulwaree Catchment
    10.16,3.86,1.21,4.29,6.98,5.55,5.50,4.21,5.57,4.53,7.98,4.47,6.44,4.15,5.52,5.01,4.75,5.22,10.61,3.55,5.55,10.78,12.27,20.84,-99 , mm/time inc
    C Hydrograph data
    C h/g from 0-23 time incs
    The Towers
    C in m^3/s

    And getting error:

    Data checks:
    Next data to be read & checked:

    Catchment name & reach type flag
    Control vector & storage data
    Sub-area areas
    Impervious flag
    Initial storm data
    Rainfall burst times
    Pluviograph 1
    Hydrograph times
    1 hydrograph(s) expected in data
    Hydrograph 1
    Data error: insufficient data in data file

    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Alexdor.
    Benson Liu

    Hi Alex,

    The time steps for the hydrograph needs to be “0,22,-99”

    Kind regards,


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