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    This forum is provides a shared, on-line meeting place and discussion portal for the RORB user community. We welcome any questions, comments, observations or bug reports related to RORB and its associated GIS plug-ins MiRORB and ArcRORB.

    Anyone can browse the forum, however to post or reply you will need to be registered through our website. Registration also allows you to download the software packages and will ensure you receive email notification of future software updates, training courses and other items of interest. To register, please click here.

    The forum is moderated by a small group of experienced RORB users, who undertake this a voluntary activity. We endeavour to respond to posts as soon as possible, but please be mindful that we do this in addition to our day jobs! We certainly encourage active discussion, and encourage other experienced users to respond to questions where they feel appropriate.

    We ask all users to please be mindful of the following forum rules:
    • Inappropriate content will not be tolerated and will result in a ban
    • Where possible, please include model files or snapshots to help us diagnose and respond to apparent model errors or bugs
    • Please search the forum before posting (use the ‘Search’ box located in the top right corner) before starting a new post – your question may have already been asked and answered!

    We trust that RORB users find this forum a valuable resource and useful means to connect users from across Australia and overseas.


    Hi forum users

    To improve our collective forum experience, please take the time to make an avatar for yourself.

    To do this, just visit the Gravatar website: Gravatar

    Create an account, using the same email address which is linked to your RORB forum account. Upload a head shot or picture of your liking, and you’re away.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by DavidStephens.
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