Are you interested in the operation or performance of Australia’s urban water sector? Are you interested in the role of the water sector in the future of our towns, cities, and society?
HARC, in partnership with Aither and Risk Edge Consulting, is undertaking a review of the National Performance Framework indicators. The review is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) and is being supported by the Bureau of Meteorology and the NPR Technical Reference Group (TRG – formerly known as the RTG).
During 2018/19, a review of the Urban Water National Performance Framework recommended a revision of the indicators underpinning the report. An open submissions process is underway between now and February 2021, giving stakeholders the opportunity to contribute to this discussion.
Responding to a number of these recommendations, this indicator review seeks to identify a set of nationally relevant and future-focused themes, outcome areas and reporting metrics that:
- reflect the NPR Vision, Objectives and Outcomes
- address issues identified in the 2019 review
- align with existing jurisdictional reporting frameworks
- are future-focused and are adaptable to industry change
- support users to produce or derive data using different platforms
The review will also recommend improvements to the NPR data quality framework, including operating procedures for data capture, processing, quality control and support.
The review we will engage with existing and new users of the Framework and draw on their insights and needs to shape the future of reporting and the type of data and information collected.
Engagement will feed parallel top down and bottom up approaches to the review.
The top down review will start with a clean slate and draw on insights and consultation to identify enduring nationally relevant themes, indicators and outcome areas that are consistent with the Framework’s refreshed vision and objectives.
The bottom up review will summarise and analyse the NPR indicators and data and draw this together with insights from stakeholders to understand how the existing indicator set is meeting the Framework’s refreshed vision and objectives and how existing indicators align with the outcomes of the top down assessment.
Visit the review website to find out more and register to stay informed of opportunities to have your say.