
Dam Safety

Craig T., Wright D., Stephens D. (2023).
Modelling operational challenges for Scrivener dam during construction
ANCOLD Annual Conference, 25-27 October, Cairns, 2023

Shen A., Craig T. (2023).
The application of ensemble approach in hydraulic modelling on dambreak consequence studies
ANCOLD Annual Conference, 25-27 October, Cairns, 2023

Beatty R., Wang H. (2023).
Exploring the broader economic consequences of dam failure
ANCOLD Annual Conference, 25-27 October, Cairns, 2023

Liu B., Stephens D., Scorah M., Nathan R. (2023).
The importance of storm and coincident flow variability for consequence assessments
ANCOLD Annual Conference, 25-27 October, Cairns, 2023

Raymond M., Martin C., Foster M., Dann C., Sutherland H. (2023).
Deep ALARP approach and justification for dams with challenging multiple failure modes
ANCOLD Annual Conference, 25-27 October, Cairns, 2023

Funnell E., Pokarier D., Stephens D., Raymond M., McCahon M. (2023).
Benefits of Flood Event Reporting for Gated Dams, Lessons from February 2022 at Somerset & Wivenhoe Dams
ANCOLD Annual Conference, 25-27 October, Cairns, 2023

Hobbs G., Mannix R. (2023).
Spillway gate reliability – typical values, trends and targets
ANCOLD Annual Conference, 25-27 October, Cairns, 2023

Wang Y., Craig T., Mannix R., Stephens D., Barry M. (2023).
Upstream impact assessment of reservoir operation during floods: a case study of Narracan Dam
Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 13-15 November, Sydney 2023

Raymond, M. (2022).
Beyond 100% is meaningless and unsustainable for public communications on the flood status of dams.
ANCOLD 2022 conference proceedings, Sydney, Australia.

Mannix, R., Hill, P., Banzi, S., Hameed, M. (2022).
A comprehensive operational risk assessment framework for dam systems
ANCOLD 2022 conference proceedings, Sydney, Australia.

Northfield, A., Shen, Y., Craig, T. (2022).
The impact of hydraulic model resolution on potential loss of life assessments and flood extents.
ANCOLD 2022 conference proceedings, Sydney, Australia.

Pearse, M., Foster, M., Jonker, M, Hameed, M., Banzi, S., Liu, B. (2022).
Application of the SFAIRP principle to a diverse portfolio of dams
ANCOLD 2022 conference proceedings, Sydney, Australia.

Jordan, P., Stephens, D., Pisaniello, J., Wang, QJ., Nathan, R., Cawood, M., Perera, S., Mannix, R., Matthews, J., Huang, T. (2022).

Considerations on the use of forecast rainfall for dam operations.
ANCOLD 2022 conference proceedings, Sydney, Australia.

Cawood, M., Haskins, L., Haskins, M., Stephens, D., Wright, D. (2022).
Real-time flood forecasting for Lake Burley Griffin.
2022 Floodplain Management Association National Conference, 17th – 20th May, Toowoomba, Australia.

Wang, H., Funnell, E., Shen, A., Scorah, M., Hill, P. (2021).
Lessons learnt from the application of HEC-LifeSim 2.0 to multiple dams across Australia.
2021 ANCOLD Conference, 10th-12th November, Perth, WA. Australia.

Pearse, M., Foster, M., Hill, P., Banzi, S., Liu, B., Hameed, M.  (2021).
Development of a practical SFAIRP framework for dams.
2021 ANCOLD Conference, 10th-12th November, Perth, WA.

Mannix, R., Cawood, M., Matthews, J., Perera, S. (2021).
Designing dam safety emergency exercises in an inter-related risk environment to build resilience.
2021 ANCOLD Conference, 10th-12th November, Perth, WA.

Jordan, P., O’Shea, D., Hill, P., Nathan, R., Lang, S., Hughes, M.,  Lam, D., Broit, A. (2021).
Reassessing flood hydrology for Burdekin Falls Dam.
2021 Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 31st August-1st September.

Northfield, A., Hill, P., Hameed, M., Wang, H., Banzi, S. (2020).
Estimation of consequences for WaterNSW’s diverse portfolio of Greater Sydney dams.
2020 ANCOLD Conference, November 2020.

Pearse, M., Pisaniello, J., Banzi, S., Hill, P. (2020).
Implications of NSW Dams Safety Regulation 2019 on dam safety risk management.
2020 ANCOLD Conference, November 2020.

Wang, H., Hill, P., Banzi, S., Hameed, M. (2020).
Demonstrating risk benefits of improved monitoring and surveillance.
2020 ANCOLD Conference, November 2020.

Jordan, P., Stephens, D., Woolley, J., Astorquia, A., Ahmed, Z., Druery, C., Cawood, M. (2020).
Real-time flood forecasting and dam operations for the Ross River.
2020 Floodplain Management Association Digital National Conference, 20th-21st May, Toowoomba, Australia

Lang, S., & Foster, M. (2019).
Estimating the Individual Risk From Dam Failure.
2019 ANCOLD Conference, 10th-11th October, Auckland, New Zealand, 1–6.

Wang, H. (2019).
Lessons Learnt From Evacuation Modelling for Dam Failure Consequence Assessments.
2019 ANCOLD Conference, 10th-11th October, Auckland, New Zealand, 1–9.

Hill, P., Wang, H., Lang, S., & Cawood, M. (2019).
Application of the HEC-LifeSim model to tailor and demonstrate benefits of dam emergency action plans.
International Dam Safety Conference, Odisha, India,13th-14th February, 2019.

Northfield, A., Stephens, D., Craig, T., & Smith, M. (2019).
Modelling Reservoirs with a 2D Hydraulic Model.
2019 ANCOLD Conference, 10th-11th October, Auckland, New Zealand, 1–12.

Scorah, M. (2018).
Advances in the automation of population at risk quantification for dam failure consequence assessment.
ANCOLD Conference, Melbourne,11-12th October, 2018.

Hill, P., Kavanagh, C., Lang, S., & Northfield, A. (2018).
Application of simulation models to estimate Potential Loss of Life.
26th Congress, 86th General Meeting, ICOLD, Vienna, Austria, 2018.

Scorah, M., Stephens, D., & Nathan, R. (2018).
Benchmarking the selection of probability neutral hydrologic design floods for use in 2D hydraulic models.
39th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium. Melbourne, 3rd-6th December, 2018, 749–761.

Lang, S. (2018).
Current Australian and international practices for dam failure consequence assessments.
2018 ANCOLD Conference,11-12th October, Melbourne.

Lang, S. (2018).
Dam safety risk assessment: An Australian perspective.
Dam Failure Consequence Assessment Forum, Toronto, 12-13th June,2018.

Wang, H., Northfield, A., & Hill, P. (2018).
Using HEC-LifeSim to better understand and reduce dam failure consequences for three case studies around Australia.
2019 ANCOLD Conference, 10th-11th October, Auckland, New Zealand, 417–427.

Stephens, D., & Scorah, M. (2018).
Review of the impacts of dam operations on flood hydrology.
ANCOLD Conference, Melbourne,11-12th October, 2018.

Hill, P. (2018).
Some recent advances in the application of quantitative risk assessments for dam safety – An Australian perspective.
International Dam Safety Conference,Kerala,India,2018.

Stephens, D., Lang, S., Hill, P., Scorah, M., & Foster, M. (2017).
Estimating the duration of flood overtopping for risk assessment.
ANCOLD, Conference, Ageing Dams, New Ideas, Hobart, 26th-29th October,2017.

Kavanagh, C., Lang, S., Northfield, A., & Hill, P. (2017).
Observations from five Australian applications of HEC-LifeSim to estimate potential loss of life from dam failure Life loss estimation : empirical versus simulation Case studies.
ANCOLD, Conference, Ageing Dams, New Ideas, Hobart, 26th-29th October, Hobart, 2017.

Northfield, A., & Lang, S. (2017).
Tailoring Consequence Assessments for Retarding Basins.
ANCOLD, Conference, Ageing Dams, New Ideas, Hobart, 26th-29th October,2017

Pearse, M., Hill, P., & Shepherd, D. (2017).
The design flood frequencies for my dam have changed – why ?
ANCOLD, Conference, Ageing Dams, New Ideas, 26th-29th October,Hobart,Tasmania,2017, 1–10.

Northfield, A. and Lang, S. (2017).
Estimating the consequences of retarding basin failures.
2017 Floodplain Management Australia National Conference. Newcastle, 17-19 May 2017

Kavanagh, C., Stephens, D.A., Hill, P.I. (2016).
Benchmarking 2D hydraulic models for dambreak and consequence assessments.
2016 ANCOLD Conference on Dams. Adelaide. 18-19 October 2016

Stephens, D.A., Hill, P.I. (2016).
Towards improved efficiency of dambreak modelling and consequence assessment projects.
2016 ANCOLD Conference on Dams. Adelaide. 18-19 October 2016

Needham, J., Sorensen, J., Mileti, D., Lang, S. (2016).
Warning and mobilization of populations at risk of dam failure.
2016 ANCOLD Conference on Dams. Adelaide. 18-19 October 2016

Meneses, C., Lang, S.L., Hill, P.I., Arnold, M. (2015).
Towards consistency in potential loss of life estimates: Testing the new Reclamation Consequence Estimating Methodology.
ANCOLD Conference on Dams, 5-6 November, 2015, Brisbane, Australia.

Floodplain management

Hajiamoosha P., Pauwels V., Urich C. (2023).
An applicable graph theory approach for evaluating structural robustness of urban drainage works
Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology Journal, Issue 9, 2023

Wang, H., Mannix, R., Stephens, D. (2023).
Benchmarking warning timelines with the use of evacuation models.
Floodplain Management Australia, National Conference, Sydney, 23-26 May.  

Smith, A., Stagg, M. (2023).
Assessing Climate Change Risk in Rural and Urban Irrigation Drainage Systems.
Floodplain Management Australia, National Conference, Sydney, 23-26 May.

Craig, T., Northfield, A. (2022).
The impact of spatial variability on flood response in small catchments.
Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 2022, Brisbane, 30 Nov.-1 Dec.

Scorah, M., Lang, S., Nathan, R., Acharya, S. (2022).
Quantifying errors in areal rainfall estimates due to interpolation in poorly gauged regions.
Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 2022, Brisbane, 30 Nov.-1 Dec.

Cawood, M., Northfield, A., Wang, H. (2021).
Testing the effectiveness of your warning system without having a flood
Australian Journal of Emergency Management, January 2021 edition

Hill, P., Hughes, E., Jayasinghe, R., Ladson, T., Lett, R., Nathan, R., Stephens, D. (2020).
Benchmarking ARR2019 for Victoria.
Floodplain Management Australia – Digital National Conference, 2020, 20th-21st May, Australia. 

Wang, H., & Northfield, A. (2019).
A method to better assess the effectiveness of flood warnings.
Floodplain Management Australia National Conference, Canberra, 14th-17th May 2019, 1–8.

Stephens, D. (2019).

Towards Consistency in Unit Cost Rates for Economic Consequences.

2019 ANCOLD Conference. Auckland, 10th-11th October, 2019, 1–11.

Cawood, M., Lang, S., & Hill, P. (2018).
Estimating the life safety benefits associated with flood warning systems.
Floodplain Management Association National Conference, Gold Coast 29th May-1st June, 2018, 1–9.

Stephens, D., Northfield, A., & Hill, P. (2018).
Flood studies for large catchments: the importance of rainfall spatial variability.
Floodplain Management Australia National Conference. Gold Coast, May 29th-June 1st, 2018.

Stephens, D., Nathan, R., Smith, M. and Syme, B. (2017).
Impact on ensemble and joint probability techniques on design flood levels.
2017 Floodplain Management Australia National Conference. Newcastle, 17-19 May 2017

Kavanagh, C., Lang, S., Hill, P.I. (2017).
Using simulation modelling to optimise effectiveness of warning systems for flooding.
2017 Floodplain Management Australia National Conference. Newcastle, 17-19 May 2017

Flood hydrology

Jordan P., Rasheed A., Traill L., O’Shea D., Raymond M., Smith K., Harrison E. (2024).
Update of design rainfall intensities for South East Queensland.
Floodplain Management Australia National Conference, 21-24 May, Brisbane 2024

Rasheed A., Liu B., Wang H., Stephens D. (2024).
Impact of Pre-burst on Extreme Flood – A case study in Southeast Queensland
Floodplain Management Australia National Conference, 21-24 May, Brisbane 2024

Scorah M., Nathan R., Ho M. (2023).
Benchmarking the differences between modelled flood peaks when using Monte Carlo and Ensemble Approaches
Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 13-15 November, Sydney 2023

Jordan P., Acharya S., Swan R .(2023).
Application of space-time rainfall patterns derived from atmospheric reanalysis data to define the joint probability of riverine catchment and local stormwater flooding
Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 13-15 November, Sydney 2023

Acharya S., Scorah M., Lang S. (2023).
An attempt to generalise the flood mitigation provided by potential future dams in Northern Australia
Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 13-15 November, Sydney 2023

Scorah M., Lang S., Nathan R., Cressall B. (2023).
Stochastic centring of BARRA rainfall space-time patterns in a hydrological model.
Modelling and Simulation International Congress, 9-13 July, Darwin, 2023

Azhar, F., Pauwels, V.R.N., Bui, H.H. (2023).
Confirmation of vehicle stability criteria through a combination of smoothed particle hydrodynamics and laboratory measurements.
Journal of Flood Risk Management, June 2023.

Jordan, P., Acharya, S., Close, A., Shen, A., Hughes, E., Stephens, D. (2022).
Hydrological and hydraulic modelling of design floods for the Menindee Lakes.
Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 2022, Brisbane, 30 Nov.-1 Dec.

Acharya, S. et. al. (2022).
Temporal disaggregation of daily rainfall measurements using regional reanalysis for hydrological applications.
Journal of Hydrology 2022.

Lang, S., Nathan, R., Scorah, M., Zhang, A. (2021).
Estimates of spatial coherence and dependence for extreme storms in the tropical and coastal regions of Australia.
Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 2021, 31 August – 1 September, Digital, Australia.

Northfield, A., Craig, T., Hill, P. (2021).
Regional Flood Frequency Estimation in Arid Australia.
Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 2021, 31 August – 1 September, Digital, Australia.

Scorah, M., Nathan, R., Lang, S. (2021).
Incorporating stochastic variation of storm space time pattern centering in a Monte Carlo hydrological model.
Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 2021, 31 August – 1 September, Digital, Australia.

Hill, P., Nathan, R., Stephens, D., Scorah, M., (2019).
Australian experience with application of Monte Carlo approach to extreme flood estimation.
ICOLD 86th Annual Meeting and Symposium, Toronto, 2019.

Lang, S., Nathan, R., Shea, D. O., Scorah, M., Zhang, J., Kuczera, G., & Schaefer, M. (2019).
Estimating Extreme Rainfall Probabilities for Large Catchments in Northern Australia.
2019 ANCOLD Conference.  Auckland, 10th-11th October, 2019.

Stephens, D., Scorah, M., Liu, B., & Nathan, R. (2018).
A review of recent enhancements to RORB: a tool for promoting application of ARR 2016.
39th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium. Melbourne, 3rd-6th December, 2018.

O’Shea, D., Nathan, R., & Hill, P. (2018).
Another step in the difficult journey to regionalise a probability based loss model.
39th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium. Melbourne, 3rd-6th December 2018.

Lang, S., Zhang, J., Scorah, M., Nathan, R., & Pearse, M. (2018).
Characterising the location and rarity of annual maxima rainfall in the GTSM-R coastal zone.
39th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium. Melbourne, 3rd-6th December, 2018.

Craig, T., Northfield, A., & Stephens, D. (2018).
The application of space-time patterns to the verification of a large catchment in northern Victoria.
39th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium. Melbourne, 3rd-6th December, 2018.

Loveridge, M., Rahman, A., Hill, P.I.(2016).
Applicability of a physically based soil water model (SWMOD) in design flood estimation in eastern Australia.
Hydrology Research Journal

Nathan, R., Jordan, P., Scorah, M., Lang, S., Kuczera, G., Schaefer, M., Weinmann, E.,(2016).
Estimating the exceedance probability of extreme rainfalls up to the probable maximum precipitation.
Journal of Hydrology

Hill, P.I., Nathan, R.J., Zhang, J. (2016).
Application of AWRA-L gridded soil moisture data for flood estimation.
37th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium. 28 Nov – 2 December, Queenstown, New Zealand

Scorah, M., Hill, P.I., Lang, S.M., Nathan, R.J. (2016).
Addressing embedded bursts in design storms for flood hydrology.
37th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium. 28 Nov – 2 December Queenstown New Zealand.

Nathan, R., Stephens, D.A., Smith, M., Jordan, P.W., Scorah, M., Shepherd, D., Hill, P.I., Syme, B. (2016).
Impact of Natural Variability on Design Flood Flows and Levels.
37th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium. 28 Nov – 2 December Queenstown New Zealand

Stephens, D.A., Nathan, R., Hill, P.I., Scorah, M. (2016).
Incorporation of snowmelt into joint probability event based rainfall-runoff modelling.
37th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium. 28 Nov – 2 December Queenstown New Zealand

Stephens, D.A., Nathan, R., Scorah, M, Hill, P.I. (2016).
Overview of the capabilities of RORBwin: an enabling tool for application of ARR2016.
37th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium. 28 Nov – 2 December Queenstown New Zealand

Stephens, D.A., Hill, P.I., Rodgers, S., Grace, D. and Nathan, R. (2016).
Application of rainfall runoff modelling to large catchments: flood estimates for the Swan-Avon River.
37th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium. 28 Nov – 2 December Queenstown New Zealand

Hill, P.I., Graszkiewicz, Z., Loveridge, M., Nathan, R.J., Scorah, M. (2015).
Analysis of loss values for Australian rural catchments to underpin ARR guidance.
Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 9-10 December 2015, Hobart, Australia.

Lang, S.M., Hill, P.I., Scorah, M., Stephens, D.A. (2015).
Defining and calculating continuing loss for flood estimation.
Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 9-10 December 2015, Hobart, Australia.

Jordan, P., Nathan, R. & Seed, A. (2015).
Application of spatial and space-time patterns of design rainfall to design flood estimation.
Proceedings of the 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 2015, Engineers Australia, Hobart, Australia.

Jordan, P., Nathan, R., Weeks, W., Waskiw, P., Herron, A., Cetin, L., Rogencamp, G., Stephens, C. & Russell, C. (2015).
Estimation of flood risk for linear transport infrastructure using continuous simulation modelling.
Proceedings of the 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 2015, Engineers Australia, Hobart, Australia.

Water Resources

Jordan P., Pinto R., Tyson A., Fawcett J. (2023).
Estimates of recharge for current and future climate scenarios in Victoria using SoilFlux
Modelling and Simulation International Congress, 9-13 July, Darwin, 2023

Beatty R., Pinto R., Holden R. (2023).
Forecast of Residential Demand Drivers for Greater Darwin
Modelling and Simulation International Congress, 9-13 July, Darwin, 2023

Austin K., Neal B., Guthrie E., Scorah M., Matthews K. (2023).
Using multi-replicate Source modelling to create a probabilistic storage forecasting tool.
Modelling and Simulation International Congress, 9-13 July, Darwin, 2023

Beatty R., Razera A., Pinto R., Purves T., Holden R. (2023).
The Development of Integrated Water End Use and Climate Responsive Demand Modelling for Urban Water Resources System Models in Darwin and Canberra
Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 13-15 November, Sydney 2023

Cressall B., Urich C., Pasanen J., Tovev A., Owen C., Pfautsch S. (2023).
A Digital Twin for Optimising Cooling and Water Efficiency in Parks
Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 13-15 November, Sydney 2023

Beatty, R. (2022).
What can Australian Rainfall and Temperature Trends tell us about Climate Change (and what can’t they tell us)?
Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 30 Nov. – 2 Dec. 2022, Engineers Australia, Brisbane, Australia.

Szabo, K., Finger, M., Austin, K. (2022).
Refined treatment of noise and negatives in flows derived by a water balance on storage.
Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 30 Nov. – 2 Dec. 2022, Engineers Australia, Brisbane, Australia.

Guthrie, E., Razera, A., Beatty, R., Spry, J. (2022).
Challenges in Addressing Water Scarcity in Remote Communities with Demand Management.
AWA/WSAA Voices for the Bush  – Water for Regional, Rural and Remote Communities Conference 2022

Austin, K., Guthrie, E., Jordan, P., Pinto, R., Szabo, K. (2021).
Comparing suitability of two rainfall runoff models in a Victorian ephemeral catchment.
MODSIM 2021 Conference proceedings, 5-10 December, Sydney, Australia.

Beatty, R., Razera, A. (2021).
Extreme drought planning for urban water – the devil is in the detail.
Ozwater 2021 Conference, 4 – 6 May, Adelaide, Australia.

Jordan, P. (2020).

Impacts of bushfires and timber harvesting on water runoff from forested catchments.
River Basin Management Society and Water Research Australia Catchment Forum Webinar, May 2020.

Austin.K, & Szabo.K. (2019).
Non-climatic trends in gridded climate data.
The 23rd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM), Canberra, 1st-6th December,2019.

Beatty, R. J. (2019).

Managing Urban Water Demands – The Challenges Presented by Climate Change.

Climate Adaptation Conference 2018, Melbourne, 8th-10th May 2019.

Beatty, R., & Allen, K. (2019).
Planning Urban Water System Responses to Megadrought – How looking back can help us look forward.
Ozwater 2019-Transforming Our World, Melbourne, 6-10th May, 2018

Beatty, R. (2019).
The water resource challenges for two indigenous communities in Australia and the pacific.
Ozwater 2019-Transforming Our World, Melbourne, 6-10th May, 2019.

Scorah, M., Jordan, P. W., Morden, R., Nathan, R. J., Lang, S., & Zhang, J. (2019).
Assessment of Uncertainty in Modelling Annual Impacts of Farm Dams for Victoria.
The 23rd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM), Canberra, 1st-6th December, 2019.

Jordan, P., Ahern, J., Northfield, A., Weeks, W., Jones, P., Nathan, R., & Russel, C. (2018).
Bruce Highway Link Flood Study.
Floodplain Management Australia National Conference. Gold Coast, May 29th-June 1st, 2018.

Szabo, K., & Lang, S. (2018).
Construction of a Rainfall – Runoff Model in Liberia , Africa.
39th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium. Melbourne, 3rd-6th December, 2018.

Jordan, P., & Scorah, M. (2018).
Flood risk for linear infrastructure: A tool for incorporating climate change using eWater Source.
NCCARF and EA Climate Adaptation Conference,  Melbourne, 8-10th May, 2018.

Jordan, P., Race, G., Morden, R., & Shepherd, D. (2018).
Trends in farm dam development over time in Victoria, 2000 – 2015.
39th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium. Melbourne, 3rd-6th December 2018.

Beatty, R. (2018).
Improving understanding of water demand drivers and the implications for medium and long-term forecasting.
OzWater-Australia’s International Water Conference and Exhibition, Brisbane, 8-10th May, 2018.

Austin, K., & Pohlner, H. (2018).
Application of WaterGuide-a framework for improved water resource management in Jordan.
39th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium. Melbourne, 3rd-6th December, 2018.

Jordan, P., Latu, K., Shepherd, D., Weeks, W., & Nathan, R. (2017).
Advances in continuous flood simulation for design of linear infrastructure.
The 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM), December 3rd-8th, 2017, Hobart, Tasmania.

Lang. S, Nathan, R, Ramchurn, A, Liu, B. (2017).
Bias correction for AWRA – L runoff data in Victoria.
The 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM), Hobart , 3rd-8th December, 2017.

Beatty, R., & Jordan, P. (2017).
Towards a truly integrated approach to water supply and demand modelling.
EWater SOURCE Software Conference, Canberra, 21st-23rd November, 2017

Rahman, J., Jordan, P., Conland, C. (2016).
Web interfaces to models developed in eWater Source.
37th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium. 28 Nov – 2 December Queenstown New Zealand.