Home Forums Bug reports Representative hydrograph missing from batch.out

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  • #1508

    When running RORB with ARR2016 ensemble of storms, the batch.out file includes a list of representative hydrographs (one for each ensemble).

    In some instances the list is incomplete (see attached output). Instead some runs have empty strings.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Test. Reason: Changed extention of attached file for security reasons
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    Benson Liu


    Are there any problems with the individual ensemble runs or is it only the representative hydrograph that has issues?
    The results listed in the batch output file seem fine but if you can confirm that the ensemble runs are good by checking the storm and output files then the problem is with the representative hydrograph. If this is the case can you send me an email with the .catg, .par and the required input files so I can replicate the bug?

    Kind regards,



    Sorry I never saw your reply and further query.

    There are no issues with any of the individual ensemble runs nor the summary table of the runs, however, after the summary table RORB appears to have an issues with listing the representative storm for each ensemble.

    Expected output:

     Run,    Representative hydrograph
     46     dur15min_aep2tp26.out

    Instead in the attached file all runs up to Run 45 have empty strings:

     Run,    Representative hydrograph
     Run,    Representative hydrograph
     Run,    Representative hydrograph
     Run,    Representative hydrograph
     Run,    Representative hydrograph
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Test. Reason: Additional clarity
    Benson Liu

    Sorry I also did not see your reply…

    I have done some testing and have found where the error is occurring, there is an error in selecting the representative ensemble hydrograph when RORB runs ensemble using temporal patterns that span different AEP bins, (e.g. frequent, intermediate and rare). This doesn’t affect the individual simulations themselves but as you had found there is an error when selecting the representative hydrographs. I will make sure that this is addressed in the next release.

    Kind regards,


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