HARC is now custodian of RORBwin and MiRORB

We are proud to announce that HARC is now the custodian of RORBwin and MiRORB.  As of May 2015, Jacobs has transferred its share of ownership in RORBwin and MiRORB and we have accepted the responsibility of providing public access to the software. In this time of transition, it is pleasing to acknowledge the original […]

HARC engaged to help the ACT Government manage flood risks

The ACT Government is currently undertaking detailed design of a major upgrade to the spillway at Isabella Weir.  The weir is located on Tuggeranong Creek in the southern suburbs of Canberra, and is being upgraded to ensure that it can safely pass extreme flood events.  HARC was engaged by the ACT Government to quantify the […]

HARC awarded Snowy Hydro dam safety risk assessment projects

Snowy Hydro manage the iconic Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Scheme, consisting of a network of dams, tunnels and aqueducts.  The Snowy Scheme features 16 dams with a total storage volume of 13 times the volume of Sydney Harbour.  As part of their dam safety management programme, Snowy Hydro are undertaking ongoing risk assessments of their dams, and […]

HARC and URS help North East Water manage dam safety risks

HARC have recently been awarded a risk assessment and concept design update for McCall Say Dam by North East Water (NEW).  In conjunction with our project partner URS, we are currently assisting NEW to better understand the dam safety risks for McCall Say, and whether a major and expensive upgrade is required in order to […]

Matt Scorah joins HARC

We’re proud to announce that Matt Scorah has recently joined HARC as a Hydrologist. Matt started his career with Jacobs after taking a Masters of Engineering with Distinction from Melbourne University. Matt is a confident user of many software packages including ArcGIS, RORB, URBS and REALM. Additionally, he is experienced in software programming, and is […]

HARC have been engaged by Engineers Australia

HARC have been engaged by Engineers Australia to support the ongoing revision of Australia’s national flood guidelines Australian Rainfall and Runoff. Peter and the team will contribute to writing sections of the final guidelines as well as testing some of the new techniques in catchments across the country.