HARC welcomes new team members

HARC has welcomed Anya jones-Gill, Declan O’Shea and Katherine Szabo to the team. Check out the team page for their profiles.
Declan O’Shea wins Sir Ronald East Prize

Congratulations to HARC’s Declan O’Shea who was awarded the 2018 Sir Ronald East prize. This annual prize is awarded by the Victorian Water Engineering Branch of Engineers Australia for the best final year undergraduate research project. Declan’s research topic was Parameterisation of SWMOD for design flood loss estimation using AWRA-L attributes. For this study, the […]
Australian Water Partnership trip to Jordan

HARC was pleased to be invited by Aither to be part of an Australian Water Partnership funded team to travel to Jordan to discuss water reform and water resource planning with the Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI) and other key stakeholders. The project followed on from Aithers’ first trip to Jordan in August […]
Peter Hill presents at International Dam Safety Conference 2018, India

As part of an Australian Water Partnership initiative, HARC participated in the International Dam Safety Conference 2018 in Kerala, India. https://www.damsafety.in/idsc2018/. The conference was organised by India Central Water Commission under the Ministry of Water Resources as part of the Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP). The conference was attended by some 600 delegates. Peter […]
Kate Austin joins the HARC team
Kate has 23 years’ experience in hydrology and water resources, particularly in the development and use of water resource (river system) models in REALM, WATHNET and Source. She has acted as technical adviser and expert reviewer on many water resource modelling projects. Through a range of different analyses Kate has provided advice to clients on […]
HARC presents at MODSIM 2017

Simon Lang (pictured) and Phillip Jordan presented papers at the Modelling and Simulation Society (MODSIM) Conference in Hobart on Monday 3 December. Simon presented on regional bias correction of the Australian Water Resources Assessment – Landscape model for production of streamflow estimates. Phillip presented on use of rainfall runoff modelling in Source for continuous simulation […]