Home Forums News and announcements RORBwin version 6.32

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  • #582

    We’re pleased to advise that version 6.32 of RORBwin is now available for download.

    This version incorporates a series of minor enhancements and bug fixes:

    • Areal temporal patterns from the ARR data hub can now be read in without manual adjustment to the files
    • An error preventing RORB from using the correct spatial pattern in design runs has been fixed
    • Error messages have been added to prevent the program from crashing if there are no output hydrographs
    • Error messages have been added to notify users if input files are open in another program
    • The default Monte Carlo initial loss distribution now matches the values in Table 5.3.13 of Chapter 3, Book 5 of ARR2016
    • Regional kc equations now work correctly for models with multiple interstation areas

    We recommend that all users update to the new version, which can be downloaded here.

    Michael Dufty

    Sounds like a useful update.


    Just a comment on the initial loss distribution in RORB. The list above says “The default Monte Carlo initial loss distribution now matches the values in Table 5.3.13 of Chapter 3, Book 5 of ARR2016”. This isn’t quite right. Table 5.3.13 has an error which has been fixed in RORB. Follow this link for more information.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by FCRDSru.
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